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 A chicken in every pot and Internet in every house. If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times: The internet has now become a mandatory utility needed for business and civic engagement in today's society.  Unfortunately, the status of internet importance has surpassed the availability of fast, reliable, and affordable internet for everybody.  For many, they need it but they can't get it. In other words, we have put the cart before the horse. This discrepancy is what we down on the ol' techno farm call 'the digital divide'.  There is some hopeful news on the horizon to deal with this. Pennsylvania has received over $1,000,000,000, (yes - that's  BILLION) dollars to close the 'digital divide'. Overseeing this massive plan is the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority. Here is the short version of what they are all about: Goals and Objectives : Universal Access : Ensure all residents have access to high-speed internet that meets or excee
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WHAT THE . . Dogs Eating Frogs?!?!

Sooner or later you have to EAT THAT FROG! Bon Appité What madness is THIS? What crazy dog is ready to scarf down on that innocent frog (nicely laid out on a bed of cream and crumpets perhaps?)  How did I get this whacky canine to pose for this? Welcome to the world of AI (Artificial Intelligence). This is but one illustration I used for a workshop entitled "Essential Communication Techniques". To create this, I used the picture generation AI built into the Microsoft EDGE web browser (called 'CoPilot'). By typing into the chat box a request to "create a photo image of a border collie with red and white fur preparing to eat a frog sitting on a plait on a breakfast table". And Voila!  I have a border collie doing all types of things throughout this presentation. This is just one example of how AI can do amazing things to assist with workflow (at least for me).  Would you like to see what else this intrepid canine does?  Then register for my workshop and have a

The Link (not the missing but the found)

  I have been touting the benefits of using the PA CareerLink® as a one-stop local resource for job searching and advancing careers. Beyond the fact we have a killer website, we are your local resource, with offices usually within 20 minutes or so, where you can stop in (depending on your needs) without an appointment and use one of our many available computers to look for work, write a resume and cover letter, file for your unemployment, get hands-on training on computers, software, internet. Each office has a full-time staff ready and willing to help you with any of these needs. BUT WAIT - THERE'S MORE! Did you know CareerLink® is also MOBILE? Yes-sir-ee Bob, we have a mobile CareerLink® traveling office named (obviously) THE LINK. It travels far and wide throughout our area to bring all the services from Careerlink® to you. Well, not your house, but usually at your local library (so close enough for no-never-mind). The Link is a mobile career center that provides services to eac
 AI (Artificial Intelligence) - Is it the end of society? There has been a lot written lately in the news concerning the sudden accessibility of AI software on the web through various sites and apps you can download.  Some claim it is the next miraculous step in improving how computers can be a valuable tool in our lives. Others are afraid that its somewhat 'overnight' advancement might mean computers will be able to think and reason on their own, creating images of the movie 'The Terminator'  that plunge humankind into a dystopian world where we battle these supreme machines for our survival.  Make no mistake, this sudden advancement is astounding in its implications, and difficult to understand. However, AI has been used on the web for a long time, though not to this new degree. One example would be the use of a 'chatbot'. A chatbot mimics the written responses of an actual person. It might just answer generic questions with pre-written answers. At its best, i

Spoiler Alert - New Workshops afoot!

 Keep a look out for our soon-to-be released revamping of all our workshops . What does this mean? We might be dropping some that are never attended and adding new ones that we have never tried before.  It's OUR way to adapt to changing times and changing needs to help you. Soooo - have any suggestions? Email me at dslyttle

Any requests from the peanut gallery?

 As many of you know, the schedule of workshop topics has been consistent over the years. Every so often a new one may be added, an old one taken away. But buy-and-large it has been consistent.  This is so everyone can attend them all.  Miss 'Internet Basics, Pt. 1: Tech and Terms' this month? Don't sweat it, it'll be back next month. Ohhh, but woe unto thee that has attended them all! Besides the plethora of knowledge, you would have gained, there is nothing new to learn! You don't even get an' I attended every CareerLink® virtual workshop and lived to tell the tale' Commemorative T-shirt! Well, my dear friends, I am open to requests. Is there a topic you would like me to present that I have not covered yet? A 'special guest' (within reason - I cannot swing getting Taylor Swift to co-host, try as I might) you would like to talk to and plumb the depth of their knowledge? Keep in mind it should relate to some aspect of improving your career/job prospe