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 A chicken in every pot and Internet in every house.

If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times: The internet has now become a mandatory utility needed for business and civic engagement in today's society. 

Unfortunately, the status of internet importance has surpassed the availability of fast, reliable, and affordable internet for everybody.  For many, they need it but they can't get it. In other words, we have put the cart before the horse. This discrepancy is what we down on the ol' techno farm call 'the digital divide'. 
There is some hopeful news on the horizon to deal with this. Pennsylvania has received over $1,000,000,000, (yes - that's  BILLION) dollars to close the 'digital divide'. Overseeing this massive plan is the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority. Here is the short version of what they are all about:
Goals and Objectives:

  • Universal Access: Ensure all residents have access to high-speed internet that meets or exceeds federally defined speeds.
  • Digital Equity: Address disparities in internet access, ensuring affordability and availability for all.
  • Infrastructure Development: Leverage various technologies to expand broadband infrastructure across diverse geographies.
  • Digital Literacy: Enhance digital literacy and provide technical support to residents.
Funding and Partnerships:
  • The plan involves collaboration with the Pennsylvania General Assembly, industry partners, local communities, and various stakeholders.
  • Over $1 billion in federal funds is allocated for broadband expansion over the next five years.
  • The Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority oversees the plan, with sub-committees focusing on data & mapping, technical aspects, workforce & supply chain, and outreach & education.
  • Extensive engagement with state and local agencies, legislative leaders, broadband industry leaders, nonprofits, and the public was conducted to develop the plan.
Challenges and Action Steps:
  • The plan outlines specific challenges and action steps to address immediate needs and long-term objectives for broadband expansion.
If you want to find out more, help add to the map of areas that are non-served or underserved in internet availability, go to their website.

Remember - to control this beast you have to understand it!


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