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I'm on the road again!

There was a time (lo-these many years ago) when the only workshops I presented were live, face-to-face workshops in my classroom. It was a more participatory experience for all concerned. I loved interacting with the attendees.
However, the 'new normal' has changed things a bit. Seeing my smiling face in a little Zoom window (is now a main-stay. The havoc of the virtual workshops I'm afraid. While I am sure my enthusiasm still comes through, I miss helping people in a live, face-to-face setting.
So, not to be daunted by these obstacles. I have recently been taking some of my workshops on the road (coming now to a town near you)! This month alone I have presented at 3 different schools in our region.
On May 3rd, I joined some of my co-patriots at CSO to present résumé preparation and online job hunting tips at McCann Business school in Lewisburg. We spent about an hour presenting to several classes in a large lecture classroom.

On May 6th, I spent all day (a 6-hour marathon) presenting a brand-new workshop about 'Digital Citizenship' to every 9th-grade class at Shikellamy high school in sunny Sunbury Pa. I started at 8:15 am (ouch - I forgot how early school starts) and ran till their last class at 2:15. It was a very cool time working with the students, and I gave them a lot of food for thought on their responsibilities and rights in navigating this digital lifestyle.
And then -as if that is not enough, I was at a Career Fair for the Kindergarten through 3rd-grade classes at Oaklyn and Priestley elementary schools. It was an outdoor gig amidst many other businesses demonstrating what they do to the individual classes as they walked by your table. I'll admit, I was not as exciting as the EMT rescue trucks, but I put on a good show. Being outdoor, could not rely on my usual spectacular slideshow presentation. I read a short excerpt from a great children's book '
Another Perfect Day', by Ross McDonald. This fabulously illustrated book is about having a perfect day and the perfect job. Jack, the character, was the chief ice cream flavor taster at the world's best ice cream factory. What a job -am I right? When you get right down to it, that is what we do at CareerLink®, helping you find the perfect job! Check out the 2 photos.

And if that was not enough (and one would think it would be) I am presenting to a group of Americore workers at their annual year-end picnic. This is a call back from last year when I presented a workshop on interview and résumé skills. Like the elementary school gig on the 6th, this is also outdoor, sans-slideshow!
As usual, not being satisfied with having several CareerLink® offices throughout this region, we will travel to you as needed.

If only I could travel in an ice cream truck as well!


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