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Oh - did I mention FREE?

I have always thought that CareerLink needed to do more to let people know who we are and what we do. Sometimes it seems like the only people who know we exist (or think we only provide services) are the unemployed. While we offer more and more services along these lines, invaluable assistance, I will dare to say, CareerLink is so much more.

YES - we have an excellent website to help the LOCAL job seeker find LOCAL employment.

YES- we have on-site staff to provide personalized help with employment and unemployment services, Veteran assistance, job training, GED, and more.

YES - we have a Computer Resource Area (or the CRA) for people who do not have access to computers for Unemployment tasks and job searching.

YES - we have a roving, mobile computer lab that travels far and wide to bring our services to your town. Just look for 'The LINK,' an RV-sized vehicle cruising around. It doesn't get more convenient than that.

But did you know that -

NO - you DO NOT  have to be UNemployed to use these services. ANYONE can use them.

And, consequently, often overlooked are the training opportunities we offer (like my thoroughly entertaining workshops). There is a myriad of outside web resources that we will link to through our website (sources well-vetted and approved). Some are other local/national Government sites on employment, unemployment, career improvement, and the like. While others are commercial sites that you can use for FREE (yes, there's that word again). CareerLink could try to create its own version of certain training materials. But, let's face it, sometimes it is a waste of resources to reinvent the wheel.

So if there is a website that proves to be a service we want to offer, we will subscribe to it and allow you FREE access with your CareerLink account.

For starters, you probably skipped by that green banner on the CareerLink log-in or your home page. The one that says 'Access SkillUp .'This is one of those outside services I mentioned above. SkillUp is a collection of on-demand, online training resources for almost ANY job you want. 

Accounting (and all reasonable facsimiles thereof), yep, they are there. Project Management - ditto. Computer IT professions - OMG, so many. Most are multi-part sessions in 10 - 20 minute segments. 

Some may take a few hours, some multiple days (unless you really want to binge). There is a lot for preparing to seek certification in certain professions. A similar on-demand service would be LinkedIn Learning, part of the LinkedIn website, at about $300 a year to access.

Oh yea, did I mention we offer this for FREE?

What are you waiting for - rubber biscuits?

(Ok, nostalgia fans - what 1978 vinyl album is that from?)



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